The default Coach screen is one of your Scorecard screens. If you have more than one scorecard configured for your account, use the Menu to select a different scorecard.
To view one of your own scorecards, ensure you are on the Scorecard tab and "Me" is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. If not, select a scorecard for yourself.
Each scorecard contains different information, depending on how it has been set up by your administrator. A personal Scorecard might contain some or all of the following:
Summary |
This section displays your individual driver score, the name of your scorecard, and the date range it covers. The driver score is a numeric value ranging from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 100. This number is calculated using your driving behavior, and specific aspects of that behavior that your manager has defined for this particular scorecard. There might be a goal displayed on the circular score chart. A goal can be defined by your administrator. It is the score that every driver in your team should aim to achieve. If you have achieved the goal, a tick is shown next to it. You can adjust the date range either by tapping on the date range or by tapping the calendar icon The background color for the summary section is determined by your score: If your score is greater than 80% the background color is green. If it is from 65% to 80% it is orange, and if it is less than 65% it is red. |
Score summary and KPIs |
This section contains a summary of your score, rank, and total distance driven. It also details the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are used to calculate your score. These KPIs are defined by your manager. Your scorecard might display the following details (as an example):
For each KPI the number of events that have been recorded is stated. |
The score metrics included on your scorecard are customizable. Your screen might look different than in the example shown above.
This feature is option-controlled and must be enabled in your account.
To view your team's scorecard, ensure you are on the Scorecard tab and your team's name is displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen. If not, select a scorecard for your team.
The Scorecard screen for your team is similar to your personal scorecard screen. The main difference is that the score, distance, and KPIs are for all drivers in your team, and the rank compares your team to the other teams in your organization.
Tap on My Team to see a list of all drivers in your team, with their individual score and rank for the period selected.
Tap on the More icon to get to the selected driver's personal scorecard.
KPI entries on a scorecard that include a More icon at the far right edge indicate that you can view additional information about these events in a Details screen. Open this screen by tapping the row. Hard Acceleration, Hard Brake, Speed Events > 75 mph, Speed Events > 10 mph over Posted Limit, and other events offer this option.
The example below is for Speed Event > 10 mph over Posted Limit:
The Details screen shows:
A map with markers indicating where the events occurred.
The number of speeding events for the period selected.
The number of events per 100 miles or kilometers (depending on your settings) driven.
A list of each individual event recorded for the selected metric type.
Tap an event to go to the Event Discussion screen, where you can add a note or comment about the event; if, for example, the speed limit indicated was incorrect, or if hard acceleration or braking was necessary to avoid a potential accident.
To comment about an event:
Tap the Comments about this event field and enter a note by using your device's keyboard.
Tap Submit.
Your email client opens with an email that is pre-populated with the event information and the note you have written.
Send the email.
Driver scores are generated by calculating "good" and "bad" points. These good and bad points are calculated using several driving metrics, and updated following each journey. Good points are given for metrics such as distance traveled, and bad points are given for metrics such as speeding, hard braking, or hard accelerating events. The metrics and their weighting are defined when your administrator creates a scorecard. You begin each journey with 100 points. You gain and lose points throughout the journey, and end up with a possible score that ranges from 0 (poor) to 100 (excellent).
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