This dashboard is not available in all accounts.
The Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Level dashboard is used to monitor urea diesel exhaust fluid levels in your vehicles, giving you advance warning of those that require replenishment in the near future. This helps you to minimize vehicle downtime and fleet disruption. It also highlights any vehicles that have completely depleted their DEF tanks and require immediate attention before they can return to service.
The DEF tank levels displayed in this dashboard are based on the most recent diagnostic reports received from a given vehicle. If a vehicle no longer has a connection with the network, or has not provided a report, the DEF level shown might be inaccurate.
DEF Tank Level: This bar chart indicates the number of vehicles within each of the nine provided DEF tank level groups (the nine available groups replicate the nine steps of the DEF level gauge on HINO vehicles' instrument clusters). These groups are 0%, 1-5%, 6-10%, 11-25%, 26-40%, 41-55%, 56-70%, 71-85%, and 86-100%. The number above each blue bar indicates the number of vehicles with a DEF tank level within the range of that group. Hover over any blue vertical bar on the graph to view a tool-tip that contains information about the graphed tank level group type and the number of vehicles that group contains. Any vehicles within the "0%" group cannot be driven and require immediate attention.
HINO vehicles with a DEF tank level of between 5% and 10% display an amber DEF warning light on their instrument cluster, accompanied by an audible alarm that lasts ten seconds and is repeated every ten minutes. Vehicles with a DEF tank level below 5% display a flashing amber DEF warning light on the instrument cluster, accompanied by an audible alarm. The engine's available torque is also reduced by 50%. Vehicles with a DEF tank level below 2.5% display a LOW PWR warning, accompanied by an audible alarm that lasts three minutes and is repeated every three minutes. Vehicle speed is limited to a maximum of 5mph.
Vehicle Details: A table that includes the following details for each vehicle within the selected fleet or sub-fleet:
Vehicle Name: The name of the vehicle. Configured from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
Last Report: The date and time that the last diagnostic report was received from the vehicle. This report is used to indicate the most recent DEF tank level.
Year: The year of manufacture of the vehicle. Configured from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
Model: The vehicle model. Configured from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
Class: The vehicle class. Configured from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
Body Type: The body type of the vehicle. This is selected from a fixed list of types available from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
Region: The region of the vehicle. This value is not user-configurable, and is based on the current US state the vehicle is located within.
DEF Level: The current fill level of the vehicle's DEF tank in percent, shown in increments of 5%.
Click a column header to sort the table in ascending or descending order based on the selected value.
The Vehicle Filter indicate which vehicles are represented by each graph and table. Click the control to adjust the vehicles graphed.
Click Print
to print all visible charts. If you have selected the table view for a chart, the table is printed instead of the chart.
Click the up arrow
to expand the graph or table to full-screen, or the down arrow
to restore the graph to its original size.
Click Table
to toggle the chart between chart and table views. The table view is useful if you need to copy data into a text editor or quickly view the raw data presented in a chart.
Click Export
to export the chart as an .xslx format (Microsoft Excel) spreadsheet file.
To specify the vehicles to include in the graph and table, use the Vehicle Filter located in the upper right corner of the screen:
With this tool you can enter complex filter statements that specify how a given filter field should be compared to a specified filter criterion. The filter uses the following syntax:
<filter field> <comparison operator> <filter criterion>.
Some examples of possible filter strings include:
Vehicle[Year]=2018 - This filters the data to include only vehicles registered in 2018
Vehicle[Fuel Type]=Diesel - This filters the data to include only vehicles that use diesel, and exclude vehicles running any other fuel type (for example, gasoline)
To create a filter, click the Metric Filter control located in the upper right corner of the screen. The filter wizard opens:
Click Choose Filter, then click successive attribute option links to navigate to an individual filter field. These are the fields the filter should be applied to:
Vehicle Daily Data contains a variety of vehicle attributes, including manufacturer, year, model, fleets and tags, as well as addresses and time periods.
Once you have selected a parameter to filter on, choose a comparison operator for Vehicle Daily Data filters, or a date operator for Date Time filters. For vehicles, this operator determines how the field value should be compared to the filter criterion. Possible comparison operators include:
Equals: "=" this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion exactly matches the filter field's value.
Not Equals: "<>" - this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion does not match any part of the filter field's value.
Like: this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion partially matches any part of the filter field's value.
Not Like: this filters the graphs to show all events and values where no part of the filter criterion matches any part of the filter field's value.
Is Default Value: Selects only items that match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.
Is Not Default Value: Selects only items that do not match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.
For date-based filters you are instead required to filter on one of the following pre-defined date value comparison operators:
Equals: "=" this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion exactly matches the filter field's value.
Not Equals: "<>" - this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion does not match any part of the filter field's value.
Comparison: greater than ">", or greater than or equal to ">=" or less than "<" or less than or equal to "<=" - these filter graph data so only events and values with the specified relationship between filter field and filter criterion are shown.
Is Default Value: Selects only items that match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.
Is Not Default Value: Selects only items that do not match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.
For example: Week Starting Date <> 1 (this equates to "Week start time is not January 1st")
Next, choose a filter criterion. This is a literal value that the filter field's value is compared to. Filter criteria are either strings or numbers for both Vehicle and Date filters.
Numeric values can include any of the digits from 0 to 9, the "-" character, and a decimal point. For example, -3.14.
String values can include any alphanumeric value, plus the characters "-", ":", ",", " -", and ";". You can also include a dot (".") or space (" "), as long as the entire filter criterion is enclosed in quotes. For example: 'Tractor Trailer 12'
To create more advanced filters, click Add as many times as needed, each time adding an additional filter field, comparison operator and filter criterion. Each additional filter is treated as an & (AND) statement in the final generated filter. To remove any component of these advanced filters, click Delete
beside the line you no longer want.
When you have selected all items to filter on, click Apply . The graph and table update automatically. Depending on the number of filters you have applied, this generation process might take some time to complete.
To clear all filter queries from the wizard, click Remove All .
To close the wizard click Cancel .
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