The Benchmarks dashboard graphs key fleet productivity metrics on four bar and pie charts. These charts allow you to benchmark the productivity and performance of your selected vehicle fleet (your fleet being those vehicles that match the region, body type and class attributes you specify, and that are assigned to a specified fleet, including inactive fleets, in the fleet filter tool) with the average performance metrics of all other vehicles (using data gathered from vehicles in all other customer accounts).
Three of the benchmarking graphs on this dashboard are customizable and display values based on a selected time range, vehicle type, and fleet. The fourth graph, a pie chart is permanently located in the lower right corner of the screen, visually displaying the current Diesel Exhaust Fluid level gauge state of your fleet. Click the link above this pie chart to open the detailed Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Level Dashboard.
Graph Selector: For the upper and lower left graphs, open the graph selector drop-down menu to change the graph type to one of the following:
Cost of Idle: The average cost per vehicle of recorded idle time over the filter period.
Idle Time: The percentage of time vehicles spent with a status of idle over the filter period.
PTO Time: The average number of hours each vehicle in the fleet has spent using Power Take Off.
Overall Fuel Economy: The overall fuel economy of the fleet in MPH.
Hard Acceleration: The total number of Hard Acceleration events detected for vehicles in your fleet.
Hard Braking: The total number of Hard Braking events detected for vehicles in your fleet.
Speeding Over Posted Limit: The total number of Speeding Over Posted Limit events detected for vehicles in your fleet.
Duration Over 3000 RPM: The average number of seconds over the filter period that vehicles spent with an engine speed above 3000 RPM.
Distance Traveled: The average number of miles traveled by vehicles in your fleet over the filter period.
Drive Time: The average number of hours spent driving by vehicles in your fleet over the filter period.
Utilization: A pie chart breakdown of the number of hours spent in each vehicle status by your fleet over the filter period.
The upper and lower left graphs are used to compare the selected metric for your fleet and vehicle type or location with the aggregated value for that metric across all other fleets.
The vehicle filter controls in the upper right corner filter on vehicle:
Region: The region of the vehicle. This value is not user-configurable, and is based on the current geographical US state the vehicle is located within.
Body Type: The body type of the vehicle. This is a fixed list of types available from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
Class: The vehicle class. Configured from the Overview tab of the Vehicle Details dialog box.
The fleet filter control in the upper right corner indicates which fleets are represented in graphs, and used to compare with all other fleets. Change the selected fleet to show that fleet's average vehicle metrics and to choose "your" fleet (as displayed in blue on the bar charts). The values displayed for your fleet peers (shown in red on charts) are not changed if you alter your fleet selection. See the Filtering the Benchmark Dashboard section below.
Click Print to print all visible charts. If you have selected the table view for a chart, the table is printed instead of the chart.
The date filter control in the upper right corner specifies the date range of the graphed data. Click this control to open the data selector tool and select the date range to be graphed. See the Filtering the Benchmark Dashboard section below.
Click the up arrow to expand the graph or table to full-screen. Click the down arrow to reduce the graph to its original, smaller size.
Click the text link above the DEF pie chart to open the detailed Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Level Dashboard.
The DEF pie chart displays the percentage of your selected vehicles and fleets (using the vehicle, fleet, and date filters located in the upper right corner of the screen) within each of three DEF level gauge groupings. These three groups represent DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) physical tank levels, and are:
0-10% tank gauge level: This chart segment is shown in red, to indicate that tank replenishment is needed immediately.
11-55% tank gauge level: This chart segment is shown in orange to indicate that attention will soon be required.
56-100% tank gauge level: This chart segment is shown in green to indicate that these vehicles do not require the addition of DEF in the near future.
DEF tank levels used in this dashboard are based on the urea level DTC code supplied in most recent diagnostic reports received from the vehicles in your fleet. If any of these vehicles no longer have a connection with the network, or they have not provided a report, the DEF level figures shown might be inaccurate.
To specify the sub-fleets to include in the graphs, and the date range of the data displayed, use the filter controls located in the upper right corner of the screen:
Fleet Filter: Click the fleet filter control to open the fleet filter, then select the sub-fleet you want to include in the graph. Continue to select fleets to further narrow the target of the dashboard report. When you have selected an appropriate level to filter on, the dashboard graphs are updated automatically, and your chosen filter value is shown in the upper right corner of the screen.
Date Filter: Click the date filter control to open the date filter, then select the date range to display in the dashboard graphs:
Pre-defined date ranges include:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
This Month
Last Month
This Quarter
Last Quarter
Year To Date
Custom Range
As you hover over each option the corresponding dates are displayed in the From and To fields.
If you choose Custom Range, a calendar control opens. Use this to select the start and end dates of your custom date range. Click Apply to update the dashboard graphs.
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