This article is for users with coaching permissions.
The Video > Overview tab summarizes safety insights tailored to your fleet, including weekly video safety scores and driving behaviors, as well videos for review and drivers to coach.
A) Groups: Open the dropdown list to select the vehicle or driver groups you want to see in the tabs.
B) Tabs:
C) Device error notification: Resolve errors with devices in your fleet by selecting Fix device errors now and following the steps. Access to the Camera List is required.
D) Fleet summary: Click on each link to see a list of actions to take.
Starred: View events in the Starred tab.
Unviewed requested: Videos requested in GET VIDEO that have not been viewed yet in the Events tab.
Review pending: A list of non-minor events in the Events tab that have not yet had their coaching status updated to Coaching needed, Coaching not needed or Coaching complete.
Drivers to coach: A view of all upcoming coaching sessions in the Coaching tab.
E) Weekly video safety score summary: View a filtered list of drivers in the Drivers tab by clicking on the following sections:
Drivers with a score of 85 or more.
Drivers with a score of 84 or less.
The summary also shows the number of drivers with No score available and Total drivers (within the selected Groups).
4-week score trends: View a filtered list of drivers in the Drivers tab by clicking on the following sections:
Improving drivers: Includes Improving and Slightly improving drivers
Declining drivers: Includes Declining and Slightly declining drivers.
A useful goal for your driver could be, for example, a safety score of 85. On average, 20% of all drivers will fall below this score. Drivers with a safety score of 84 or lower are twice as likely to be involved in a collision in the near future. Learn more about the Video driver safety score.
F) Print: : Click the printer icon to save or print a PDF of the Overview tab.
G) Behaviors summary: The table shows the harsh driving, road-facing and driver-facing behaviors that occurred over the last 4 weeks. Behaviors with a value of zero (0) either didn't happen, the camera model cannot detect them, or a privacy cover was used. Learn more about what triggers video events.
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