Sometimes you might notice that the order of the jobs shown in the Jobs list, and the numbering of the jobs that have been assigned to routes shown on the Map, Route Timeline, and Daily Routes panels, can be different.
This is because of the way jobs are ordered and numbered in these panels. The Jobs list orders jobs based on their planned arrival time, listing them in order from earliest to latest arrival. The Map, Route Timeline and the Daily Routes panels number jobs based both on their planned arrival times and, if the job has actually started or completed, their actual arrival times (which takes precedence over planned arrival time). This means that the order of jobs shown on the Jobs list, and the numbering of jobs in the route map and timelines, might differ if a route is currently underway.
This means that some jobs in the highlighted map routes and in the other route timelines might be numbered based on their planned arrival times, while others are numbered based on their actual arrival time, while the Jobs list continues to use only planned arrival order. Once the route has completed, the correct job order is shown.
For a more accurate indicator of job state on the Jobs list, use the "Status" column (“Assigned” indicates a planned arrival, while “On Site” or “Completed” use actual reported times. See Understanding Job Status for more information).
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