If a driver reports a diagnostic fault or malfunction showing in the Hours of Service app on their mobile device, use this section of the help to determine the possible cause of the issue. For steps on how to resolve the malfunction, see section Troubleshooting Malfunctions and Diagnostic Events.
If the driving events for a driver are not displaying under Hours of Service > Events in the Verizon Connect platform, follow these steps:
Checking for Diagnostics and Malfunctions:
Ask the driver to check whether a diagnostic or malfunction indicator displays on the HOS Status screen in the mobile app.
If there is an indicator, use this section of the help to work out what might be causing the issue.
Checking for the Vehicle's Install Type:
Check under Hours of Service > Events which vehicle the driver is using.
Go to the Vehicles screen in the Verizon Connect platform.
Click on the vehicle and select Show Vehicle.
On the Hardware tab of the Vehicle Details pop-up, check which Install Type is assigned to the vehicle.
Check on the Install Types screen that the install type is set up correctly.
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