Verizon Connect® Response™ adds an additional report to the built-in reports that are available to users of your account. You do not need to have the rest of the Verizon Connect® Response™ user interface to make use of this report: you can simply upload routes with the stops you expect your drivers to make and the times they should be spending at each stop.
The Route report compares what your vehicles actually did with their initially planned routes. These reports highlight where the route the driver actually completed differs significantly from the planned route. The performance of a vehicle is considered to have differed significantly from a planned route when any of the following occur:
The number of stops in the planned route that were not completed exceeds a specified minimum number of missed stops.
The total time taken to complete the route differs from the planned time the route should take by more than a specified percentage.
The total mileage driven differs from the planned driving distance by more than a specified percentage.
One or more stops on the route differ from the planned time on site by more than a specified percentage.
Rows for missed stops are highlighted in yellow. Deviations of actual stops from the planned values are highlighted using a red font. The percentage by which actual routes can differ from the planned values are specified as report settings, as is the number of stops that can be missed before the route is considered significantly different from the planned route.
There are two types of route report:
Summary: Lists only those routes within a specified territory for which there was a significant deviation from the planned route.
Details: Lists every job (stop) in a planned route for a driver along with what actually happened.
On both reports, any values where the actual performance of a vehicle differed significantly from the planned value are highlighted in red.
An '(S)' prefix under the 'Site' column indicates that the Job Monitor has performed an overlap adjustment for that job. That is, jobs have overlapped on the same location, and therefore the time on site has been split between them.
The options specific to Route reports that you can set are as follows:
One Item per Page: Formats the report so that each route starts on a new page when the output format is not HTML.
Territory: The territory to which the routes in the report must belong.
Hide Unplanned Stops Shorter Than (Mins): The number of minutes under which a vehicle making an unplanned stop will not be included in the report.
Minimum Time Between Shifts (Hours): The minimum number of hours between shifts performed by the same driver.
Maximum Gap Time (Hours): The maximum number of hours permitted between the driver commencing their shift and the route beginning, and between the driver returning to the depot and the end of their shift.
Highlight Gap Time Shorter Than (Mins): The length of gap time in minutes under which a cell's gap time value will be highlighted in the report.
Highlight Gap Time Longer Than (Mins): The length of gap time in minutes over which a cell's gap time value will be highlighted in the report. (Detailed reports only)
Highlight Total Gap Time Longer Than (Mins): The total length of aggregated gap time over which the cell's value will be highlighted in the report. (Detailed reports only)
Expected Stop Time Deviation: The percentage by which the time spent on site at a job can differ from the planned time on site without the stop being flagged as a problem.
Total Route Time Deviation: The percentage by which the total time spent on a scheduled route can differ from the time actually spent servicing the route. (Summary reports only)
Total Route Distance Deviation: The percentage by which the total distance driven on a scheduled route can differ from the distance scheduled for the route. (Summary reports only)
Allowed Missed Stops: The number of scheduled stops that can be missed before a route appears in the Route summary report. (Summary reports only)
Time values in Route reports can differ slightly from the values you see in the user interface (for example, in the Jobs Gantt Chart). This is because the values shown in the user interface are rounded to the nearest minute, while cells in this report show actual time values. These values might be truncated when viewing the report in a spreadsheet, but the full time value, including seconds, can be seen when a cell is highlighted.
If your report contains PII (Personally Identifiable Information) that has been removed as part of a Customer Privacy Request, the report columns that would otherwise display this deleted information instead shows the text "REDACTION" in order to comply with CCPA and CPRA privacy regulations.
The Route Summary report contains the following columns:
Date: The date of the route.
Territory: The territory in which the route occurred.
Depot: The location (marker) where the route begins and ends. The depot is not considered to be one of the stops on the route.
Vehicle Number: The vehicle that is assigned to drive the route.
Driver: The driver that is assigned to drive the route.
Route: A unique identifier for the route.
Planned: The total number of stops that were planned.
Actual: The total number of stops that were actually visited.
Missed: The number of customer stops that were planned but where the vehicle did not stop.
Long: The number of jobs (customer stops) where the time the vehicle spent on site differed from the expected duration by more than a specified percentage.
Gap Time
Start: The difference between when the driver started work and when the driver actually started the route.
End: The difference between when the driver actually returned to the depot and when the driver finished work.
Total Route Time
Planned: The expected total duration of the route.
Actual: The actual duration of the route.
Difference: The difference between the actual route duration and the expected route duration (the difference between the previous two columns).
Stop Time
Planned: The expected total time for the vehicle to spend stopped at customer sites.
Actual: The total time spent at customer sites plus total unplanned stop time. This is different than the 'Actual Stop Time' value in the Route Detail Report summary, but the same as the total 'Actual Stop Dur' in the 'Route Detail' table.
Difference: The difference between the actual total stop duration and the expected total stop duration (the difference between the previous two columns).
Drive Time
Planned: The duration the vehicle is expected to drive on the planned route.
Actual: The length of time the vehicle actually drove for.
Difference: The difference between the actual driving duration and the expected driving time (the difference between the previous two columns).
Distance (km/mi)
Planned: The number of miles or kilometers the vehicle is expected to drive on the planned route.
Actual: The number of miles or kilometers the vehicle actually drove.
Difference: The difference between the actual driving time and the expected driving time for the route (the difference between the previous two columns).
The Route Detail report displays summary statistics at the top of each route, followed by a list of all stops the vehicle made while driving the route. By default, each route goes on a separate tabbed page of the report.
The summary statistics include the following fields:
Territory: The territory in which the route occurred.
Depot: The location (marker) where the route begins and ends. The depot is not considered to be one of the stops on the route.
Date: The date when the route occurred.
Driver: The driver assigned to drive the route.
Vehicle: The vehicle assigned to the route.
Route: A unique identifier for the route.
Actual Route Time: The time the vehicle left the depot, the time the vehicle returned to the depot, and the difference between those two times (the duration of the route).
Planned Route time: The time the vehicle was scheduled to leave the depot, the time the vehicle was expected to return to the depot, and the difference between those two times (planned route duration).
Drive Time: The amount of time the vehicle was expected to spend driving (route time minus times on site), the amount of time the vehicle actually spent driving, and the difference between those two durations.
Stop Time: The amount of time the vehicle was scheduled to spend on site, the amount of time the vehicle actually spent stopped at job sites, and the difference between these two durations.
Additional Time: The amount of time scheduled for activities other than driving or on-site (for example, driver breaks).
Customers: The number of scheduled stops the vehicle made, the number of scheduled stops the vehicle missed, and the number of unscheduled stops the vehicle made.
Miles or Kilometers: The number of miles or kilometers the vehicle was expected to drive, the number of miles or kilometers the vehicle actually drove, and the difference between those two distances.
The columns of the list of route stops are as follows:
Planned stop #: The order in which the stop was scheduled to occur, where 1 is the first planned stop, 2 is the second planned stop, and so on.
Stop #: The order in which the stop actually occurred, where 1 is the first stop the vehicle made, 2 is the second stop the vehicle made, and so on. If the stop was missed, this column is blank and the row appears highlighted.
Planned start: The time when the vehicle was scheduled to stop at the customer location.
Start: The time when the vehicle stopped at the customer location (marker), or, for missed stops, the time when the stop was scheduled to occur.
End. The time the job was manually set to a status of Completed. The column is only displayed when Driver Initiated Status has been enabled for the driver. See Job Monitor.
Outlet Number: The id of the job site.
Site: The name of the marker where the stop occurred. An '(S)' prefix under this column indicates that the Job Monitor has performed an overlap adjustment for that job. That is, jobs have overlapped on the same location, and therefore the time on site has been split.
Location: The latitude and longitude of the job site.
Site Address: The address of the customer (marker) where the stop occurred.
Actual Stop Dur: The time the vehicle was stopped at this location.
Planned Stop Dur: The planned duration of this stop.
Difference: The difference between Actual Stop Dur and Expected Stop Dur.
Engine Idle: The amount of time the vehicle spent idling (stopped with the ignition on) at this location.
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