The Maintenance Connect feature is not available in all accounts. If your subscription does not include this feature, management of your fleet's maintenance schedules can be carried out from the Maintenance Log. Vehicle trouble codes can also be identified using the API tools provided for Insight Alert Scripts if your fleet contains suitably configured vehicles.
The Maintenance Connect console allows your business to:
Monitor Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) broadcast by the vehicles in your fleet if and when their onboard diagnostics systems detect a vehicle fault, and identify the nearest service center to a given a vehicle if immediate action is required.
Create service plan templates that indicate the cost of a service (based on individual labor, parts, tax, and discount components), and the intervals at which these service types should occur.
Apply maintenance schedules to individual vehicles based on pre-configured service plans.
View the service history logs of vehicles in your fleet, and manually add or edit or remove them.
View DVIR forms completed and uploaded by drivers and mechanics using the Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ mobile application.
When a fault code is detected, or a vehicle fails to complete a scheduled maintenance service, the console alerts you using the Insight Alerts system. These alerts are indicated by a pop-up message, and an email. Alerts provide an indication of the fault or issue's severity, advise of any actions required, and locate the nearest service facility at which a mechanical and electrical diagnosis can be performed, or repairs completed.
Maintenance Connect can be used as the central management point of your fleet-wide vehicle maintenance schedules, to track the service histories and service plans and schedules of individual vehicles, providing alerts and reports when a vehicle develops a fault or if any vehicles miss their scheduled maintenance visits. It also integrates with fault cases when they are lodged within external fault case management service platforms, if your account includes this option.
From the Main section of the navigation bar choose Maintenance.
The main components of this screen are as follows:
The Tree menu to the left of the screen is used to group faults of the same type, vehicle values of the same type (such as model, make, and year), and service plans by their provider. Click the menu button
in the upper left corner of the screen to open or close the tree menu. When the menu is open, the number of vehicles, faults, and service plan providers that are nested within each node level in the tree node is indicated by a number to the right of each node. Nodes are typically ordered in the tree according to the number of items they contain, with the highest at the top. Faults, however, are grouped by severity rather than the number of faults found. Faults with a status of Severe are shown at the top of the tree, followed by faults of descending severity. Six levels of severity are available, in descending order of importance: "Severe", "Serious", "Moderate", "Minor", "Attention", and "Unknown".
After you select a node in the tree, the main grid is populated by the content of the node you selected. Click a column header in this main grid to sort the items shown by each column type (sorting is carried out alphabetically or numerically).
The four main menu links are used to switch between the four available views:
The Faults screen lists the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) logged by the vehicles in your fleet, and includes the trouble code, a description of the fault, the vehicle's name (tag) and VIN, the severity of the fault ("Severe", "Serious", "Moderate", "Minor", "Attention", or "Unknown" in descending order of priority), a timestamp indicating the last time and date that the fault notification was received from that vehicle, and how the DTC was obtained. See Checking the Current Fault Status of a Vehicle.
The Vehicles screen lists all vehicles in your fleet, and includes basic details of the tag (name), make, model, year, VIN, base marker, when the vehicle last reported its status to the platform, and the service plan assigned to it if any. Service plans are also removed from vehicles here. Click a vehicle name under the "Name" column to open the Edit Vehicle dialog box.
The Alerts screen lists any InSight Alerts reported by the vehicles in your fleet, and includes the alert name, type, the vehicle the alert applies to, the vehicle's driver, the alert's severity, when the alert was triggered, and how long the alert has been active.
The Service Plans screen lists all service plans that you have configured, the vehicles they have been assigned to, and the schedules that make up each plan. These are the classes of vehicle service that are applied to individual vehicles. To add a new service plan, click New Plan in the center of the screen. To add a new schedule or edit an existing schedule on an existing plan, click Add in the right details panel, or select an existing schedule and click Actions > Edit or Delete. See Adding, Editing and Removing Service Types.
The Inspections screen lists all DVIR forms that have been submitted for your vehicles. When a form row is clicked in the grid, the location of the driver when the form was completed is shown on the mini-map to the right, together with the corresponding street address, the driver's name, and their telephone contact details. You can also download individual inspection forms as a compiled PDF document, or as a zip archive containing individual reports, from this page.
The List Grid contains rows of records that detail the fault codes logged, service plans configured, or the vehicles within your fleet. The columns available, and the information they display, vary depending on the Maintenance tab that has been selected. See the Grid List Columns section below for more information about the columns available on each tab.
The List Filter is used to manually filter the item list. Enter a string that matches all or part of an item, then press the Enter key. Only items in the currently selected item list that include the text you filtered on are displayed. To reset the filter, click the Clear "x" button to the right of the field. Click Refresh to update the grid or filter selection at any time.
The Export button
is used to export the current Item List grid view as an Excel spreadsheet file (.xls). This function can be used with the filter and grouping tools to include only vehicles, faults, or schedules that you are interested in. This spreadsheet includes detailed information about the fault, vehicle, or schedule, and additional vehicle data such as battery voltage, vehicle and engine speed, fuel level and consumption, coolant and fuel rail temperatures or pressures, and other diagnostic data recorded by vehicle sensors.
The Details Window displays information about the vehicle or service plan selected on the List Grid. It also displays a link to the external case relating to the reported fault, and the current status of that case, if your account is configured to use a third-party case management tool. When the Faults tab is selected, the Details Window shows basic DTC fault details reported by vehicles. You can use the filter on the left of the screen to group faults by their severity, by vehicle name, by trouble code, or by DTC type. When the Vehicles tab is selected, the Details Window shows the vehicle's make, model, year, VIN, and base marker. A map of the vehicle's location is also displayed, together with the driver's details and the vehicle's nearest service center. When the Service Plans tab is selected, this window displays the schedule types associated with the selected plan, and also shows a tab where you can view the vehicles that have been assigned the plan.
The Maintenance Connect Wizard is used to configure alerts for all vehicles in your fleet (for example, maintenance alerts, vehicle performance alerts, and trouble code alerts), the types of reports you will receive on these alerts and their frequency, and to specify your nearest or preferred service center. These service types are packaged together to become a service plan, which is then applied to multiple vehicles. See the Configuring Vehicles in the Maintenance Connect Wizard section for more information.
The Service Types tool is used to manage, create, and remove service types. These describe the components of a particular type of service that are performed on the vehicles in your fleet, and can be used to describe everything from a minor oil change or tire inspection and rotation, to a full engine rebuild. See the Adding, Editing and Removing Service Types section for more information.
The Details Window displays summary information about the currently selected vehicle, InSight Alert, or service plan in the List Grid. This panel also includes five tabs that provide more detailed information:
Status: This tab displays a map centered on the selected vehicle (or the vehicle associated with the selected fault or alert), the nearest authorized service center, and the driving route from the vehicle's current location to the service center. Click the wrench icon on the map to view a pop-up that contains the service center address. Below the map, the location of the vehicle as a street address is shown, together with the name of vehicle's driver and their telephone contact details. Below this are the details of the closest service center, contact details for the center, its location and its distance from the vehicle.
Faults: This tab shows details of all DTC codes broadcast by the selected vehicle, and summarizes the issue, the severity of the fault, the action that the driver should take, and when the fault was last reported by the vehicle. If a case exists for the fault in your third-party fleet maintenance tracking tool, a link is provided here, and at the top of the details tab with an indication of the case's status ("Open" or "Closed").
Alerts: This tab shows the details of any InSight Alerts associated with the vehicle that have been triggered. Details shown include the name of the InSight Alert, the type of alert, the driver of the vehicle affected, the alert's configured severity, when the alert was first triggered, and how long the alert has been active.
Service Plan: This tab lists the service plan configured for individual vehicles: the types of schedule that make up the plan, when these services are due (the future date, or remaining engine hours or driving distance remaining), in addition to the interval between services of each type. To assign a new plan, click Action then select Change Plan or Remove Plan. Note that you cannot change the schedules that comprise a plan from this tab - you must select the Service Plans tab to do this (see the Adding, Editing and Removing Schedules section for more information). Click the Log Service link to record the details of a new service on the vehicle.
Service History: This tab displays the details of previously logged vehicle services, including their type, the vehicle's odometer reading and number of engine hours at the time of the service, who the vehicle was serviced by, and any notes added when the service was logged. To add new services from this tab click Log Service, and existing service records edited or deleted using the Action menu and its Edit and Delete links located beside each individual service log entry.
The columns of information available on the List Grid are:
Faults tab:
Column |
Details |
Trouble Code |
The DTC code logged for the vehicle. |
Issue |
The issue the DTC relates to, if known. |
Vehicle |
The vehicle's name. |
Severity |
The severity of the DTC. This can be "Severe", "Serious", "Moderate", "Minor", "Attention", or "Unknown". |
Last Seen |
The date and time that this DTC was last received from the vehicle. This is not necessarily the last time the DTC was recorded by the vehicle, but rather the last time it was communicated to Maintenance Connect. |
The vehicle's unique 17-character Vehicle Identification Number, or chassis number. |
DTC Type |
The DTC type of the fault: either "OBDII" or "J1939". |
First Reported |
The date and time that this DTC was first received from the vehicle. |
Vehicles tab:
Column |
Details |
Name |
The vehicle's name. |
Make |
The manufacturer of the vehicle. |
Model |
The model of the vehicle. |
Year |
The year the vehicle was manufactured. |
The vehicle's unique 17-character Vehicle Identification Number, or chassis number. |
Last Reported |
The date and time that a vehicle fault report was last received from the vehicle. |
Service Plan |
The service plan, if any, assigned to the vehicle. |
Base Marker |
The name of the marker specified as the home base of the vehicle. This column is hidden by default. Click a marker name to view its details on the Markers screen. |
Alerts tab:
Column |
Details |
Alert |
The name of the triggered alert. |
Type |
The type of InSight Alert that was triggered. |
Vehicle |
The name of the vehicle that triggered the alert. |
Driver |
The driver assigned to the vehicle at the time the alert triggered. |
Severity |
The severity of the alert. |
Triggered |
The time the alert triggered. For details on how alerts trigger, see InSight Alerts: under the hood. |
Duration |
The length of time that the alert was turned on. This is the time from Triggered to Off. If the alert has not yet been resolved, this is the duration since the alert was triggered. |
Service Plans tab:
Column |
Details |
Plan Name |
The name of the service plan. |
Provided By |
The provider of the service plan: either "None" or "Hino". |
Vehicle With Plan |
The number of vehicles that have been assigned this plan |
Inspections tab:
Column |
Details |
Last Updated |
The last time this inspection report was updated by a driver or a mechanic. |
Vehicle |
The name of the vehicle this Third Signature DVIR relates to. |
Driver |
The name of the driver who initially submitted the report. |
Passed |
The number of items in the DVIR with a status of "Passed". |
Failed |
The number of items in the DVIR with a status of "Failed". This number is shown in red text if greater than 0. |
Fixed |
The number of items in the DVIR with a status of "Fixed". These items have previously been marked as "Failed" by a driver during an inspection, and have subsequently been marked as "Fixed" by a mechanic, and are now waiting to be reviewed by a driver and the corrected item marked either as "Passed" or "Failed". |
Version |
The version of the form, either "Inspection", "Mechanic" or "Approval". "Inspection" forms are completed by the driver, "Mechanic" forms are filled out by mechanics after repairing an issue identified in an "Inspection" form, and "Approval" forms are filled out by drivers after a flagged item has been corrected by a mechanic. |
Location |
The street address where the form was submitted. This column may display "GPS signal too weak" if the location could not be determined. |
Status |
The current status of the DVIR. Either "Passed" or "Failed". |
Inspection Duration |
The length of time the inspection took to complete. Use this value to estimate whether the inspection was thoroughly completed or not. |
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