To filter the jobs listed on the Jobs screen:
Tap the Filter button on the Jobs screen.
Choose a filter specifying which jobs to list on the Jobs screen:
Today and Onwards: List all jobs scheduled to start from today and up to seven days into the future. This option shows all jobs that have not been rejected, regardless of their status, provided that they are scheduled today or later.
Yesterday: List all jobs that were scheduled to be done yesterday. This option shows all jobs that have not been rejected, regardless of their status, provided that they are scheduled for yesterday.
Completed: List all the jobs you have marked as complete, starting seven days ago.
Incomplete: List all the jobs that you have not marked as complete, starting with those scheduled for today and including up to seven days into the future. This is the same as Today and Onwards, except that it only includes jobs that have not been marked as complete.
By Date Range: List all the jobs that have not been rejected, which are scheduled within a range of dates that you specify, regardless of their status. When you select this filter, you are prompted to enter the first and last date of the range you want to examine.
Cancel: Exit the filter screen without changing the current filter.
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