To configure your settings, tap the Menu icon , and then tap Settings. Select one of the sections listed below. You can also access the Settings screen from the Route Overview screen. All changes are saved automatically.
Language: Select your preferred language.
Auto-zoom: Turn this option on to enable auto-zoom. This feature is set to "On" by default. If enabled, when the vehicle approaches the next maneuver the zoom level of the map automatically adjusts based on the vehicle speed so that the maneuver is displayed.
Show feature suggestions on login: Turn this option on if you want to see theDid you knowpanel each time you log in.
Enhanced Turn Notifications: Turn this option on to enable the following features:
The background color of the directions view changes when you approach a turn.
The Turn icon
blinks, and a clicking sound is repeated at regular intervals (if your device is not muted) when you are less than 400 meters from your next maneuver.
Distance Units: Select your preferred unit of measure for distances in the app. The options are:
Automatic: sets the distance unit according to the system used in the country you are driving in; for example, miles in the USA or UK, or kilometers in Canada or Australia.
Email: Enter your email address.
Announce Speed Alerts: Turn this option on to receive an audible alert every 60 seconds when your speed is more than 5% higher than the allowed speed limit. If this option is off, speed alerts are displayed on the screen, but you will not hear any audible alert.
Verbal Speed Alerts: Turn this option on to hear verbal speed alert warnings. Turn this option off to hear a sound instead. This option has no effect if the Announce Speed Alerts setting is off.
Current Speed and Limit Display Always On: Turn this option on to always see your current speed and the speed limit for the road you are currently driving on.
Night Mode: When enabled, the screen display changes to make it easier to read when driving at night: the amount of light displayed on the screen is reduced and the colors are changed to increase the contrast. You have the following Night mode options:
Auto: To automatically switch Night mode on at sunset and switch it off at sunrise, select "Auto".
Off: To manually turn off Night mode, select "Off".
On: To manually turn on Night mode, select "On".
Enable Last Mile Satellite Map View: When enabled and you are within the set distance of your destination, the map changes to satellite view automatically. When you are within the set distance you can tap the Map Control icon
to open the Map Type and Map Details popup menu, and then choose between the default map view and the satellite view. The default distance is 1609 meters (1 mile) but you can change this value in the Remaining Distance To Start Satellite View in Meters field.
Landing Page from External Apps: Select the landing page within Navigation for navigation requests coming from other apps, such as WorkPlan. The Route Overview screen displays the entire route on a map and provides an overview. The Guidance screen launches directly into the navigation instructions.
Reset Defaults: Tap to reset Navigation to the default settings.
The Route settings let you customize the way routes are generated when you ask for directions.
To change the route settings, your account must be set up with the appropriate permissions. If you see the following message, you do not have permission to change the route settings:
Contact your manager if you feel that one of the route settings has been configured incorrectly.
If you have permissions to change the route settings, the options are:
Avoid U-Turns: Turn this option on to avoid U-turns on your routes. These turns might require unsafe maneuvers for larger vehicles. Turn this option off to allow U-turns on your routes. Note that this option cannot be disabled if Same-Side Routing is on.
Use Toll Roads: Turn this option on to allow the use of toll roads on your routes. Turn this option off to avoid toll roads.
Same-Side Routing: Turn this option on to depart from and approach a location without crossing the road. For example, if you drive on the right side in your country, the departing location and destination would always be on your right side.
Avoid Ferries: Turn this option on to avoid ferry crossings on your routes. Turn this option off to allow ferry crossings.
Use Historic Traffic: Turn this option on to use historic traffic information for routing and ETA (estimated time of arrival) calculations, for destinations less than 100 miles away.
Use Live Traffic: Turn this option on to use live traffic information for routing and ETA (estimated time of arrival) calculations.
Reset Defaults: If you do not have permission to reset the route settings to the default settings, the Reset Defaults button is grayed out. The message “Your administrator has specified that these settings cannot be changed” is displayed. If you do have permission, the Reset Defaults button is active. Tap the Reset Defaults button to set all route settings back to the default settings.
Remember to always use common sense and obey all traffic rules when deciding if you should follow any suggested routes.
Navigation uses the information you provide about your vehicle to intelligently route around road features or areas that could prevent you from driving safely. For example, if you drive a large or heavy vehicle, there might be some bridges you cannot drive under or over. This information also ensures that, if available, hazardous cargo loads are routed along suitable DOT Hazardous Materials Routes.
If you see the following message, you do not have permission to change the vehicle settings:
Contact your manager if you feel that one of the vehicle settings has been configured incorrectly.
If you have permissions to change the vehicle settings, the options are:
Load Type: Select the type of load your vehicle carries. This setting defines any hazmat (hazardous materials) your vehicle carries.
Vehicle Type: Select the closest matching vehicle type from the list. This setting determines the default vehicle dimensions and associated routing behavior.
Dimension Units: Select the preferred unit of measure for your vehicle's dimensions.
Vehicle Length: Enter the length of your vehicle. The default value depends on your Vehicle Type. For decimal numbers, enter a dot for the decimal point (a comma is unavailable).
Vehicle Height: Enter the height of your vehicle. The default value depends on your Vehicle Type. For decimal numbers, enter a dot for the decimal point (a comma is unavailable).
Vehicle Width: Enter the width of your vehicle. The default value depends on your Vehicle Type. For decimal numbers, enter a dot for the decimal point (a comma is unavailable).
Weight Units: Select the preferred unit of measure for your vehicle's gross weight.
Gross Weight: Enter the gross weight of your vehicle, which includes the weight of the vehicle and cargo. The default value depends on your Vehicle Type. For decimal numbers, enter a dot for the decimal point (a comma is unavailable).
Reset Defaults: If you do not have permission to reset the vehicle settings to the default settings, the Reset Defaults button is grayed out. The message “Your administrator has specified that these settings cannot be changed” is displayed. If you do have permission, the Reset Defaults button is active. Tap the Reset Defaults button to set all vehicle settings, except for Load Type, back to the default settings.
Make sure that the vehicle type is set correctly, to avoid getting directions for the wrong type of vehicle; for example, getting directions for a car when you are driving a heavy-duty truck. You might not have permission to change your vehicle type.
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