If you are using Hours of Service (HOS) in WorkPlan version 3.5 or greater, you will see HOS status clocks along the lower part of the screen in Follow view (when you are viewing the map without navigating to a location) and in Guidance view (when you are navigating to a location and you are viewing the map or when you have Safety mode enabled).
The values of the HOS status clocks are dependent on your rule set type, for example US federal HOS rules or Californian HOS rules. If you sign out of WorkPlan at any time, the values will show "N/A". The maximum values for the countdown clocks are displayed in brackets behind the labels.
You can open HOS in WorkPlan by tapping on the bar displaying the HOS status clocks.
There might be a small delay before the HOS status clocks are displayed. This is expected.
The HOS status clocks show:
Driving - The remaining pure driving time before you violate the HOS rules.
Day - The remaining driving time for this 24 hour period, taking into account the time spent on-duty and driving.
Cycle/Week - The remaining driving time for the current cycle, taking into account the time spent on-duty and driving. This label might either display as Cycle or Week, depending on which HOS rule set is applied.
Current Status - The HOS status code currently selected in WorkPlan (On for on-duty, D for driving, Off for off-duty, SB for sleeper berth, or W for waiting in an oilfield), along with a timer showing the time spent in the current HOS status.
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