If you are an administrator for your Fleet account, you can use the Activity Log screen to generate, view, and copy logs of the activities of subusers. This lets you view the updates that have been made to your Fleet system data, and pinpoint which subusers made updates to the system, when the updates occurred, and which entities were affected by these activities.
Activity Log does not provide data for jobs that have been created or edited.
To generate and copy an activity log:
From the Tasks section of the navigation bar, choose Activity Log. The Activity Log table displays the processed activities for today’s date.
To show activities for a different date, double-click a date on the calendar tool
. To select a date range, click the start date, and then click the end date. If this results in too much data to display, decrease the date range.
Select an entity from the Select Entity drop-down list. This filters the results to display activities only from that entity; for example, select “Drivers” to see activities where driver details were affected by the selected audit type.
Select an activity type from the Select Activity Type drop-down list. This filters the results to display activities only from that type of activity; for example, select “Created” to see activities where the selected entity type was created.
Enter a search term in the Search field to find activities from a particular user or entity, or details of a particular activity. This field is not case sensitive, and search text must be at least three characters in length. Note that the search function returns all of the filtered activities that contain the search term. For example, entering “john” returns all users and entities where “John” or “john” appears in the name, and all activities where “John” or “john” is listed in the log data.
As you select a value for each field, the Activity Log table updates automatically. The page update status is reflected by the Update icon
in the upper right corner of the screen. The Total count field displays the number of activities listed in the table.
Click a column header drop-down arrow to sort by the column or select which columns are displayed on the table. You can choose from the following columns:
ID: The unique ID of the activity
DATE & TIME: The date that you selected from the calendar tool, and the time that the activity occurred
USER: The name of the subuser who made the updates in Fleet
ACTIVITY: The type of activity as selected in the Select Activity Type drop-down list
ITEMS AFFECTED: The entities that were affected by the activity. The table lists activities only for the type of entity that is selected in the Select Entity drop-down list. This column displays a badge for each individual entity that was affected by the activity.
Click an activity’s row in the table, or select the activity’s check box, to find out more about the activity in that row. The Activity Details panel opens on the right side of the screen, where you can View Activity Log Data.
You can view the log data for an activity in the Activity Details panel on the right of the screen. To open the panel, select an activity listed in the table, or click the Information icon at the top right of the screen.
The Activity Details panel displays a brief summary of the updates that occurred during the activity. Each affected item is listed, and includes a summary of which properties were changed for the item. The following screenshot shows the Activity Details panel populated with details about the selected table row.
Click the Copy icon to copy the detailed log data. You can copy all of the log data for that activity, or copy the log data for an individual affected item. After copying the log data, you can then paste it into an application of your choice, such as Notepad, to view the extensive details of the activity.
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