On October 26th 2020, several important changes will be made to the Hours of Service (HOS) mobile app and to the Fleet platform to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and usability of unidentified driving management when using an ELD (electronic logging device).
To use the enhancements described below, you will need to update your WorkPlan app to version 4.29 or higher from October 26th, 2020. Once the app has been updated, users must sign out of the app and then back in.
When drivers claim unidentified driving in the mobile app, they no longer need to find each event that makes up a driving period (for example, Power Up, Driving, On Duty (Not Driving)) and claim each event individually. All events that make up a driving period are grouped together automatically into a trip, and drivers can claim the entire driving period at once.
When carriers assign unidentified driving periods to a driver, these periods are now displayed under "Unidentified Driving" instead of under "Carrier Edits". Note that manual Off Duty events, and other manual edits, will still appear under "Carrier Edits" as normal. Unidentified driving periods are categorized into the sections "Assigned by carrier" and "Unidentified on vehicle", depending on whether the unidentified driving period has been assigned to the driver or was recorded on the vehicle that the driver has selected. Carrier edits that have been manually created to correct violations, such as manually-added off-duty events, are still shown under "Carrier Edits".
Instead of the tabs "Suggested" and "All", the "Unidentified Driving" screen now has the tabs "Pending" and "Viewed". The "Pending" tab contains all unclaimed unidentified driving periods that have been assigned to the driver and that have been recorded on the selected vehicle. The "Viewed" tab contains all unidentified driving periods that the driver has rejected.
Drivers can now reject unidentified driving periods that have been assigned by their carrier or recorded on the selected vehicle. Rejected driving periods that are applicable to the selected vehicle are displayed on the "Viewed" tab. They can be claimed by another driver.
Like the mobile app, Fleet now also shows unidentified driving as periods or trips instead of as a collection of events. Unidentified driving periods are listed on the new "Unidentified Driving" tab of the "Hours of Service" page. You can still view the individual events that make up a driving period on the "Events" tab. For more information, see Viewing Unidentified Driving Periods.
The "Unidentified Driving" tab has a filter that lets you narrow down the list of unidentified driving periods by status; for example, "Unidentified", "Rejected", or "Exempt".
If a driver accidentally claimed an unidentified driving period, the carrier can now reassign the driving period to another driver. The new driver must accept the driving period in the mobile app, and the original driver must certify their logs again.
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