Verizon Connect® Dispatch™ now permits all of its users to edit routes with a status of "In Progress", and to use the advanced Route Recommendation system. Both of these features were previously only available to customers with specific subscription types.
Full access to these features means that all Dispatch customers can now assign or remove jobs in near real-time to routes that have already been started and are currently underway, as long as the changes made to these routes don't violate existing hard constraints (such as maximum driver shift duration or specified shift windows). This flexibility gives you the option to add short-notice jobs to drivers that have already started driving their routes, or to remove and reorder jobs on routes while they are underway.
You can also use Dispatch's advanced optimization engine to quickly and automatically determine the best routes for your jobs. You can continue to manually assign jobs to routes and route positions when needed, or let Dispatch evaluate and suggest a selection of optimal routes in seconds.
As part of this change, several complementary features have also been made available to all customers, simplifying the real-time management of jobs and routes by dispatchers:
The addition of a new Color By option of "Status". You can use this feature to color jobs on the map, in the Routes and Jobs grids, and on the Gantt chart by their status. This feature lets you see at a glance which of your jobs can be edited on the fly. Status colors are blue for "Assigned", dark blue for "En Route", green for "On Site", and grey for "Completed". If you use the "Status" option and draw a route that is currently in progress on the map, you are also shown a hybrid route in grey and blue on the map representing past and future travel: grey indicating the actual path performed by the routed vehicle, and blue for the planned path.
New Routes and Jobs grid columns, including the new Job grid columns "Actual Arrival", "Actual Departure", "Actual Time On Site", and "Status" in addition to the new Route grid column "Status". These columns provide useful information about the status of your jobs and routes as they are started, serviced, and completed.
A new hybrid view of routes in the Gantt chart that shows accurate "Actual Arrival Time" and the "Time On Site" values for jobs with a status of "On Site" or "Completed", in addition to estimated values for jobs that remain to be serviced. This view allows timely and accurate information about jobs to be viewed when they happen, as they happen.
Removal of the padlock "Locked" icon from the Jobs grid, matching the existing behavior of the Routes grid. You can now multi-select previously locked items from both the Jobs and Routes grids.
Greater job management flexibility. You can now unassign completed jobs, and reschedule missed jobs by right-clicking and selecting the "Reschedule" contextual menu option (or dragging and dropping them), as well as by using the Reschedule button.
The addition of a new set of Real Time Job Alert types that relate to actual times rather than estimated times. These alerts also include the option of "Hide".
Support for changing the assigned driver or vehicle on routes that have a status of "In Progress". This ability can help dispatchers fix incorrect driver or vehicle assignments while the route is underway, until the route's status changes to either "Completed" or "Not Completed".
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