If your drivers use Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ version 4.7 or later, you can create separate DVIRs (driver vehicle inspection reports) for your drivers' tractors (also referred to as 'vehicles') and each trailer. If your drivers use WorkPlan version 4.18.4 or later and you set their permissions appropriately, they can create new trailers from WorkPlan.
See the Fleet help for information on the following procedures:
Creating an asset type for your trailers
Assigning vehicles to the trailer asset type
Creating form templates
Assigning form templates to asset types
(Optional) Allowing your drivers to create trailers from WorkPlan
Follow this procedure to perform an inspection on a trailer:
Sign in to WorkPlan.
Select a vehicle using one of the following methods:
You might be assigned to a vehicle automatically.
The vehicle list might display automatically.
You might need to open the vehicle list manually by tapping to Vehicle icon
on the WorkPlan home screen.
Add trailers to your vehicle by tapping the Trailer icon
on the WorkPlan home screen, tapping Add Trailer, and then selecting a trailer from the list.
If your trailer is not listed and you have the appropriate permissions, you can create a new trailer. To do this, type the name of a new trailer, tap on the new trailer name, and enter the trailer's details on the Create Trailer screen. Then, select the new trailer you created.
The form DVIR form might open automatically when you select the trailer or you can open the DVIR manually by tapping the DVIR icon on the WorkPlan home screen and then selecting the form from the New On Demand DVIR section.
Fill in the form and then tap Submit.
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