Welcome to the Dispatch What's New page.
This topic lists information about previous releases of Verizon Connect® Dispatch™ and what has been improved in each version.
The current release is 2404 (January 2024). Information regarding this release can be found below.
Added support for Territory Permissions, which allow you to restrict access to a territory and specify which users have access to it. Restricted territories affect jobs and routes in Dispatch.
Added a new "Copy Routes" button to the Daily Routes menu bar. Use this button to make copies of routes, and their jobs, to repeat on future days. You can make copies of routes from the previous seven days, or nearly any time in the future. This feature is disabled by default, and must be enabled on the Dispatch Preferences screen by selecting the "Show Copy Routes" check box.
Added a new "Job sequence set for {route x}" information label to the User Action History Panel. This is shown when a driver has reordered jobs in a route from within the Workforce Mobile app.
Corrected an issue that could cause a route in the Workforce Mobile app to show a shorter duration than the same route in Dispatch. Routes are now displayed with consistent durations in both Dispatch and Workforce Mobile.
Added a new "Forms" tab to the job overview dialog box. Use this tab to view all forms associated with a job. If any forms have been started or submitted for this job they can also be downloaded in PDF format from this new tab, or opened and viewed.
Updated the behavior of the Edit Routes dialog box to allow all fields to be edited on routes with a status of "Completed" or "In Progress" in suitably configured accounts.
Fixed a cosmetic bug that caused the Jobs list to display "Unnamed Route" under the "Route" name column when the route did in fact have a defined name.
Updated the behavior of jobs not within a specified zone, for customers with a Scenarios driver zones subscription. These jobs are now set to "Unassigned" status when optimizing, building or auto-assigning routes, making them easier to locate using the filter tool.
Fixed a bug that could cause error messages to be shown Dispatch after a valid publication from Scenarios.
Corrected an error message that could be shown in error when editing job settings.
Fixed an error message that incorrectly stated that a route had already started when it had not.
Added support for external ID values on jobs and routes. These values can be used to filter jobs and routes, and are shown on the route overview and job overview panels. Once specified, these ID values cannot be edited.
Added the ability to change the drivers or vehicles assigned to routes with a status of "In Progress". Previously, these routes were locked.
Corrected a null reference error that could be shown when calculating the cost of routes with shift times in the future.
Corrected a bug that could cause Driver Shift date patterns to use the wrong date format and therefore the wrong date range.
Fixed an error message that could be shown when assigning jobs to routes with a status of "Completed" on the current day.
Added support for assigning jobs to completed routes (routes with a status of "Completed") on the current day if shift time remains available for that route to use. Jobs assigned to these completed routes are optimized automatically, and the route's status updated to "In Progress". See Assigning jobs to routes for more information.
Removed the Dispatch roles rights "View current day Jobs and Routes in Dispatch", "Edit in progress route", "Access future jobs and routes in Dispatch", and "Edit future jobs and routes in Dispatch". Added the new rights "Access Dispatch", "Edit jobs and routes in dispatch", "Access job types", "Edit job types", and "Access territories". These changes consolidate existing rights and add support for managing job types and future or "In Progress" routes.
Added support for the generation of Route Cards for routes with a status of "In Progress". This feature is only available in suitably configured accounts.
Removed several obsolete interface language translations.
Added a new violation type, "Driver not in zone", to the "Violation Severity Settings" section of the "Jobs & Routes" tab on the Settings dialog box. This violation setting is only available to administrators, and applies to all accounts when enabled.
Removed the locked (padlock) icon from the "Jobs" list, aligning it with the behavior of the "Routes" list.
Fixed a problem that could stop non-numeric street address values, such as the "W4519" street number of "W4519 Lime Road", saving correctly when creating a marker. Previously, these street numbers were saved as "0".
Fixed a fault that caused route distances to remain unchanged when crossing lakes, regardless of whether Ferry routing was turned off or on.
Corrected a permissioning fault that allowed customers without the jobs feature to see vehicle "Time on Site" settings on the Vehicle Information tab of the Fleet Vehicles dialog screen.
Fixed a "value can not be null" error message that could be shown immediately after opening Dispatch.
Added the new Route Overview dialog box, on which you can view key information about individual routes, and perform actions such as editing, deleting, resequencing, or creating route cards. This overview can be opened instead of the Edit Routes dialog box when clicking a route name in the "Daily Routes" list, if configured to do so.
Added support for defining the time on site values for a vehicle under "Vehicles" > "Edit Vehicle" > "Vehicle Information". These values override the time on site values defined for all vehicles within a territory (under "Territories"> "Routing Settings").
Moved the "Time on Site" setting for the Mid-Route Return to Depot feature from the "Vehicle Details" dialog page "Capacity Limits" to the new "Vehicle Information" page.
Added support for tags on HQ Markers. The tags assigned to these depot markers are now shown on the tooltips for depots on the "Map", "Route Timeline", and "Daily Routes" grid.
Add the new "Address" column to the "Jobs" list. This column displays the street addresses of the markers at which each job occurs, is hidden by default, and can be searched using the Advanced Search tool.
Added the ability to unassign any job, regardless of its status ("Completed", "In Progress" or "On Site" as well as the already-supported "En Route").
Updated the user interface used to enable or disable Capacity Metrics. This is now controlled from the "Enhanced Features" section on the "Jobs & Routes" tab of the "Settings" dialog box.
Added a "Description" field to the Recurring Jobs "Overview" screen.
Removed the redundant "Is System Type" checkbox from Capacity Metrics.
Removed the permanently-enabled weight system capacity metric ('kg' or 'lbs'), and increased the maximum number of user-defined capacity metrics from three to four.
Added the new "Maximum Jobs Per Route" setting to the Capacity Limits tab on the Edit Vehicle Details dialog box. Use this field to specify the maximum number of stops a vehicle can complete on a single route. Once set, the optimizer avoids assigning a route more stops when this number is reached. Values specified are also visible under the "Max Jobs" column on the Vehicles grid.
Added the new Requirements tab to the Edit Vehicle Details dialog box, containing the 'Driver Requires Tags' setting. Use this field to specify the tags required on drivers assigned to this vehicles. If the specified tags are not found on the assigned driver, the optimizer generates a route violation. Tags specified are also visible under the "Required Driver Tags" column on the Vehicles grid.
Added new "Time Window" and "Maximum Working Times" hard constraint settings to the Routing Settings tab of the Territories screen. Use these check boxes to specify whether these violations should be treated as hard constraints.
Added a new "Routing Objectives" section to the Routing Settings tab of the Territories screen. Use these routing settings to specify whether routes should be optimized to reduce the number of drivers used, to favor servicing jobs earlier on routes, or to load balance jobs evenly across routes and drivers.
Changed the label for "Vehicle" to "Current Vehicle" in the Drivers Screen table and on the Driver Details Mini-map Tab.
Updated Dispatch behavior when creating route cards. Routes are now costed automatically when a route card is generated.
Added the new Driver Pay Rate feature. Use this option to add details of your drivers' pay rates directly from the "Shift" tab on the "Edit Driver" dialog box, overriding the default value set on the territory containing the driver. Driver pay rate information is also now available directly from the platform Drivers grid under the new "Normal Pay Rate" and "Overtime Pay Rate" columns.
Added a visual representation of the color being used for each job type to the Job Types screen, under the new "Color" column.
Corrected several untranslated column names in the advanced search tool.
Fixed a problem that could cause return to depot times to be doubled.
Fixed a bug that could give some users rights to perform tasks not included in their subscriptions.
Corrected a fault that allowed the "Job Types" and "Territories" screens to add the same names with different capitalizations.
Fixed a fault that could prevent truck restriction settings from being honored.
Improved the wording on the "Territories" screen, and in vehicle preference violation messages, to make them less ambiguous.
Corrected a fault that could stop column sorting working for the "Earlier Depot Requires" and "Later Depot Requires" columns.
Added a new "Reverse Route" button to the "Daily Routes" toolbar. Use this button to reverse the order of jobs that have not been started or that have a status of "En Route" or "Missed" in routes with a status of "Not Started" or "In Progress".
Added support for .xlsx format files to the Route and Job Importer system, in addition to CSV spreadsheet files.
Added support for importing shift details to the Route and Job Importer system, using the new "route.start_time", "route.end_time", "route.normal_working _time", "route.max_working_time", and "route.is_variable_shift" import columns.
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