Welcome to the Scenarios What's New page.
This topic lists information about previous releases of Verizon Connect® Scenarios™ and what has been improved in each version.
The current release is 2404 (January 2024). Information regarding this release can be found below.
Added support for Territory Permissions. This means that users who have restricted territory permissions can't open scenarios that are part of territories they don’t have access to.
Added the new "Zone" column to the Recurring Jobs list. This column displays the driver zone that a recurring job occurs within.
Added support for creating route cards, which are PDF documents that can be printed and distributed to your drivers.
Added the number of selected items to the heading for each data grid. For example, if you select 5 jobs in the Jobs list, the heading says "Jobs (5 Selected)".
Corrected an issue that caused scenarios not to be published successfully when markers that were referenced in the scenarios had been deleted.
Fixed an issue with double clicking on legal breaks to open their details in a dialog box.
Corrected a problem where changes to the order of driver attributes made in live platform data were causing issues with the synchronization to a scenario.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the "Update Scenario" button in the "Sync Scenario" dialog to be disabled.
Added support for adding, editing, and deleting driver zones, which are polygon-shaped geographic areas that you can draw on the map and assign to drivers who service jobs in these areas.
Corrected an issue that caused slowness when trying to synchronize data from the platform to Scenarios and when publishing a scenario.
Fixed an issue that caused the Legal Driver Break pop-up window on the Gantt chart to be labelled with an identification number instead of the title "Legal Driver Break".
Improved the clarity of stop numbers displayed on the map.
Improved the naming of columns related to load information.
Improved the process of automatically creating soft territories to include existing shift patterns.
Added support for deleting several scenarios at once.
Added a new "Create Soft Territories" button and changed the wording of the menu item "Auto-place Soft Territories" to "Create Soft Territories".
Corrected an issue where route summaries were exported without capacity metrics.
Corrected an error in exported routes, where "Start Address", "Start Location", "End Location", "Vehicle", and "Vehicle Type" were missing.
Fixed an issue where scenarios sometimes took a long time to synchronize.
Added support for pre-filling the time on site values in the "Vehicles" and "Routes" dialog boxes and the "Scenario Settings" when using a synchronized scenario. The time on site values can be defined for all vehicles in a territory (under "Territories" > "Routing Settings") or per individual vehicle (under "Vehicles" > "Edit Vehicle "> "Vehicle Information").
Modified the system behavior used for pre-filling and editing time on site values.
For synchronized scenarios:
The default depot time on site values under "Scenario Settings" > "Routing Settings" are pre-filled with the settings defined for the territory (under "Territories" > "Routing Settings"). These settings are the default values for all vehicles and routes and cannot be edited.
The depot time on site values under "Vehicle" > "Vehicle Information" are pre-filled with the values defined for the vehicle under "Vehicles" > "Edit Vehicle" > "Vehicle Information" if "Override Territory Defaults" is selected. The default values for the territory are used otherwise. These values cannot be edited.
The time on site values under "Route" > "Shift"are pre-filled with the values defined for the selected vehicle under "Vehicles" > "Edit Vehicle" > "Vehicle Information" if "Override Territory Defaults" is selected. The default values for the territory are used otherwise. You can change these time on site values for a route and override the pre-filled settings.
For detached scenarios:
The default depot time on site values can be set for all vehicles under "Scenario Settings" > "Routing Settings". The values are pre-filled with the territory settings if the scenario was synchronized when created and subsequently detached.
The depot time on site values under "Vehicle" > "Vehicle Information" are pre-filled with the values defined under "Scenario Settings" > "Routing Settings". You can change these time on site values for a vehicle and override the pre-filled settings.
The time on site values under "Route" > "Shift" are pre-filled with the values defined under "Vehicle" > "Routing Settings"if you have selected a vehicle that has depot time on site values defined. If you have not selected a vehicle, the values defined in "Scenario Settings" > "Routing Settings"are used. You can change these time on site values for a route and override the pre-filled settings.
Corrected an issue where time on site was not displayed when displaying routes in a group.
Fixed a synchronization problem when jobs contained driver attribute conflicts.
Corrected routes to no longer get jobs assigned to them if the associated routes have not had a vehicle assigned to them.
Fixed an issue where the end location was not overridden when changing from the default end location to a new end location.
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